Sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac
Sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac

Please sound off in our discussion forums with your questions or comments. Maybe you have another opinion and we’d love to hear it. Even a few more seconds would likely be enough but really, letting the scroll bars remain enabled is really the best option unless Apple decides to finally fix things. This annoyance could easily be remedied users were able to increase the time from when you stop scrolling to when the scroll bar fades from few. Using scroll bars is a simple task and users shouldn’t be required to change their habits to accommodate bad design. I'm just trying to apply basic styling changes to some text - colour, size, etc. Sadly, in OS X, attempting that kind of maneuver with the scroll bars off requires you move the mouse to right edge of a window, scroll, and then grab the bar before it fades away. By default, scrollbars are always one in Windows. Tip It is advised to save the document while you are working on it.

sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac

#Sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac windows#

If you’re reading a long article and you want to scroll down quickly, the normal, practical thing to do is to grab the scroll bar and pull it up or down. Open Windows Explorer, paste the path on the address bar and hit 'Enter' to search the lost unsaved PowerPoint file. The biggest problem with disappearing scroll bars isn’t even so much that they do, but rather how quickly they disappear.

Sliding bar missing from microsoft powerpoint mac