Cloud services for business emails
Cloud services for business emails

cloud services for business emails

Not only do you have to account for the cost of the server itself, but you’ll also have to purchase an operating system and email platform, as well as the rack, and pay for the electricity, cooling, and staff to support it. Cost: An in-house email server might seem like a cost-effective way to get the services you need, but when you take a step back, you’ll realize just how expensive it can be.As long as you have internet access and a connected device, you can take care of business. Convenience: Cloud-base email hosting gives you access to your messages via any connected device.Here are some of the top reasons to choose cloud-based email services rather than a traditional on-premises email server. Top five reasons to use cloud email services You simply use their service to host your email solution. In addition to providing you with the tools you need to receive, send, and store email messages, the vendor also provides the necessary security, technology, and maintenance. Think of a movie-streaming service you pay for but instead designed to help you communicate and run your business. With cloud-based email hosting, a vendor serves your email client and represents like any other cloud-based service you already use. What is cloud email?Ĭloud email offers you robust email tools and gives you access to them over the internet. This means that nearly 30% of companies aren’t taking advantage of what cloud email services can do for them. Although cloud-based email services have been available for several years, a 2018 CompTIA study revealed that 45% of small and medium-sized businesses are using cloud email hosting services, and 28% of them are using email in a SaaS (Software as a Service) application. Keeping busy is often a good problem, but it can also cause you to have tunnel vision and fail to see how new ways of doing things can save you time and money.Ĭloud email hosting is an excellent example of how businesses of all sizes can benefit from the latest technology. When you run a business, your “office hours” run around the clock.

Cloud services for business emails